Data erasure
Data erasure

Data erasure is no exception to this rule. That is why we document every step in our IT remarketing process. The security of your company should never depend on mere trust. So you can enjoy the benefits of data erasure without any risk, your hardware retains more value and the process is also better for the environment. When data erasure is done correctly – which we can guarantee – no data remains.

data erasure

Data erasure is better for the environment, more economical and just as secure as shredding storage media. It doesn’t matter whether you choose data erasure or storage media destruction as it is the processing that makes the difference.

data erasure data erasure

Data erasure is just one component within our process, because your company’s security must be at the very heart of the overall IT remarketing process if complete, audit-proof erasure of your data is to be ensured. Our entire process – from signing the contract through to pick-up and neutralisation – is focused on protecting your company.

Data erasure